Fall Season ACT® and SAT® Prep: A Step Closer to Dream School Admission

In last week’s post, we covered what makes a “good” score on the ACT® and SAT® and how you can help your clients establish what their target score should be and how they can reach it. In this post, we'll explore why this is a prime time of year for students to reach their target scores, ensuring they have the best chance of gaining admission to their choice colleges.

For college-bound juniors and seniors, the fall season is not just about pumpkin spice lattes, Homecoming, and football games; it's also the perfect time to take a crucial step toward getting into their dream schools. With a little planning, determination, and expert guidance, fall can be the ideal season to prepare for and take the SAT® or ACT®.

By taking the SAT® or ACT® in the fall, students can:

  • secure their scores early in the college application process. This advantage allows them to set their sights on their choice colleges with confidence, knowing they've already met or exceeded their score requirements.

  • free up time to focus on other aspects of their applications: writing compelling essays, securing stellar recommendation letters, and keeping those grades and GPAs up.

  • alleviate the stress of cramming and last-minute preparation. With several months at their disposal, they can adopt a steady, strategic approach to studying. This extra time ensures thorough coverage of all test sections, reinforcing concepts and strategies that can make the difference between an average score and a great one.

  • leave room for retakes. If a student doesn't achieve their target score the first time, they have ample time to reevaluate their preparation strategy, address weaknesses, and retake the test in the winter or spring. This flexibility ensures that students can put their best foot forward and achieve their goals—even if it takes multiple attempts.

  • gain a competitive edge. Colleges often consider test scores in the admissions process, and higher scores can provide students with a competitive edge. Taking the SAT® or ACT® early and achieving a strong score can set applicants apart from their peers, giving them a competitive advantage in college admissions.

Speaking of which …  

While many schools have made the switch to test-optional, test-flexible, test-blind admissions—particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic—not all of those admissions policy changes have been set in stone—many schools have chosen to remain test-optional (read: test scores considered) or have reinstated their SAT® and ACT® mandates. This is important to consider as your clients choose their target scores. That said, here is a list of 15 U.S. colleges and universities that require applicants to submit ACT® or SAT® scores.

School Range of ACT® Scores Between the 25th and 75th Percentile Range of SAT® Scores Between the 25th and 75th Percentile
Florida International University 21-26 1060-1250
Florida State University 26-31 1210-1370
Georgetown University 32-35 1390-1560
Georgia Institute of Technology 31-35 1370-1550
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 35-36 1520-1580
New College of Florida 24-31 1103-1360
Purdue University 27-34 1200-1470
Thomas Aquinas College 27-32 1215-1400
United States Air Force Academy 28-33 1310-1480
United States Military Academy at West Point 27-33 1220-1450
United States Naval Academy 25-32 1200-1440
University of Florida 28-33 1300-1490
University of Georgia 27-32 1220-1420
University of South Florida 24-29 1140-1330
University of Tennessee 25-31 1170-1330

Your students need to have a clear understanding of the typical standardized test score requirements for their preferred colleges. To aid them in setting their personal goals for the ACT® and SAT®, it's highly beneficial for them to research and be aware of the score ranges from their choice school's previous admissions cycles.

The fall season presents a valuable opportunity for college-bound juniors and seniors to push toward securing admission to their dream schools by taking the ACT® or SAT®. By utilizing this season wisely, students can make substantial progress toward achieving the test scores needed for their college applications. With an attainable target score and a well-structured test prep plan, they can maximize their chances of success in the college admissions process.

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