The Best Answer to "How Long Should I Study for the SAT®/ACT®?"

One of the most frequently asked questions that we get from clients in the test-prep business is how long students need to prepare for the SAT® or ACT®. It's a common question among students and their parents, and it requires thoughtful guidance so that expectations start realistic and remain optimistic. To help you navigate this perennial question, we’ve compiled some helpful insights and useful advice.

Truth: One-Size-Fits-None

First and foremost, it’s crucial to set the tone from the very beginning of your tutor-client relationship that there is no one-size-fits-all tutoring plan; therefore, there is no direct answer to how long a particular student should study for the SAT® or ACT®. The truth is, that every student has unique academic needs with varying levels of knowledge, strengths, and areas that need improvement. The ideal study duration can differ widely from one student to the next.

Consider Individual Baselines

When we begin a tutor-client relationship, we have to consider the student’s starting point. We can’t set the bar too high and expect them to reach it. We need to meet them at their starting point and work from there. The best way to pinpoint where to start is to use a diagnostic tool to assess their current knowledge and skill levels and provide immediate feedback. Using real practice tests and score reports can help establish a valid baseline and build an ideal, individualized study plan.  

Build a Customized Study Plan

Once you have established an academic baseline, you can begin to choose which SAT® or ACT® concepts to prioritize. You always want to nail the supporting skills first to create a solid foundation for students to build off of while they’re learning to master the larger skills. For most students, those supporting skills will be easily achievable goals that can help build confidence and positive momentum going forward. 

Set A General Timeline

Creating a study plan and a timeline includes allowing ample time and flexibility for students’ schedules. An effective study plan must always have an element of flexibility in case there is a particular skill that requires more time to learn. When outlining their study plan, make sure that the timeline aligns with the student’s academic goals and personal schedules (i.e., extracurricular activities and events). Help them understand the level of commitment required and encourage them to be realistic when planning how much time they have to set aside each week for SAT® or ACT® prep. Consistency is key, so emphasize the importance of sticking to the plan.

Favor Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to study time and practice, it’s not about the number of hours spent but the efficacy of that time. Quality test prep is a lot more than just practice problems. Make sure that the time spent during tutoring sessions and in between is filled with measurable student engagement through regular practice and growth assessments.

Use High-Quality Test-Prep Materials

The test-prep materials that you use matter. Sure, you could use off-the-shelf workbooks, crib free test content and market it as your own (please don’t!), and try your best to tweak and individualize the materials to fit your student’s needs. Or you could use quality, fully customizable, comprehensive test-prep materials that are not only fully aligned with the SAT® and ACT® exams that your clients are prepping for but also utilize customizable and differentiated test-prep curriculum, tools, and services that promote student accountability and engagement.

The best answer to "How long should I study for the SAT®/ACT®?" varies from student to student. As test-prep tutors, our role is to understand each student's unique needs and circumstances and guide them toward a customized study plan. Be sure to emphasize to your clients the importance of starting early and staying committed from the outset of your tutor-client relationship so they can reach their goals sooner. Choose consistency, quality study time, and high-end materials combined with individualized guidance and support to help your students achieve their SAT® and ACT® goals with confidence.


We Are Ready for the Digital SAT®! Are you?

As the SAT® and ACT® transition to all-digital testing, we are ready to support your tutoring business with the first and best custom-branded, fully digital test-prep courses. Our white-label, all-digital, adaptive Digital SAT® practice tests include accurate, algorithmic scoring. This gives your tutors and clients access to the actionable data they need for tailored instruction and score optimization.

Ready to take your test prep to the cutting edge? Schedule a free demo and try it for yourself!