How the Pandemic Affected College and Career Choices of the COVID Cohort

In June, ACT Research published the results of a survey research project that focused on the college and career prep of high school seniors from the class of 2023, primarily due to their first year of high school beginning at the start of the COVID pandemic. ACT Research found that approximately half of the class of 2023 reported that the pandemic greatly affected their college and career choices.

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly impacted every aspect of our lives, and the class of 2023, known as the COVID Cohort, is no exception. As they navigated through the uncertainties of remote learning, canceled events, and disrupted social lives, their plans for the future were inevitably influenced. 

In this post, we’ll explore the significant ways the pandemic has affected the college and career choices of the Covid Cohort high school seniors. At the same time, we will provide valuable insights for test-prep tutors who not only have played a crucial role in supporting those seniors but who also continue to work with high school students whose academic careers have been deeply impacted by the pandemic.

Academic Performance and Standardized Tests

The abrupt shift to remote learning and the cancellation of in-person standardized tests left many high school students feeling unprepared for the college admissions journey. Test-prep tutors must recognize that some students may have faced challenges in accessing adequate resources and maintaining focus during virtual learning. As a result, their academic performance and standardized test scores might have been affected.

Expert Tutoring Tip: Offer flexible learning options and create personalized study plans to address individual learning needs; this is a crucial way to improve test readiness and boost those test scores!

College Selection Process

With travel restrictions and limited campus visits during the pandemic, high school students had to rely heavily on virtual tours and online information to select colleges. The inability to experience campus experiences in person made it challenging for students to make the best, most well-informed decisions. Now, test-prep tutors can play a pivotal role in guiding students through this process by helping them understand the importance of college fit beyond just academic programs.

Expert Tutoring Tip: When college planning, encourage your students to connect with current college students, attend virtual college fairs, and explore diverse extracurricular opportunities to make informed choices.

Career Aspirations and Job Market Realities

The pandemic exposed high school students to the fragility of certain industries and the need for adaptability in the job market. Many students may have reconsidered their career paths, leading them to explore more resilient and in-demand fields. As test-prep tutors, understanding these shifts can help you provide your students with relevant career-path advice and support as a value-add to the services you already provide.

Expert Tutoring Tip: Stay up-to-date on labor market trends and emerging career paths to help students align their test preparation with their revised career aspirations.

Mental Health and Well-being

The pandemic's impact on mental health cannot be understated. The COVID Cohort, in particular, experienced heightened stress, anxiety, and isolation. These emotional challenges affected their ability to focus on academics and perform well on standardized tests. Sensitivity towards students' mental well-being is crucial for test-prep tutors to create a supportive and understanding learning environment.

Expert Tutoring Tip: Foster open communication and show empathy towards students' emotional struggles, incorporating stress-reduction techniques in your tutoring sessions.

Importance of Resilience and Adaptability

The pandemic taught us the importance of resiliency and adaptability in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Test-prep tutors can instill these qualities in their students, emphasizing that test scores are just one part of the college admissions process. Resilience, determination, and a growth mindset are equally valuable traits to develop.

Expert Tutoring Tip: Incorporate real-life scenarios into test-prep exercises, teach your students how to integrate soft skills into their test prep, and encourage your students to think critically and adapt their problem-solving strategies.

The COVID Cohort of high school seniors has experienced an unprecedented disruption in their educational journey. As test-prep tutors, you have a unique opportunity to help your students who have been affected by the pandemic to navigate through past and present challenges and make informed decisions for their future. By understanding the pandemic's impact on their college and career choices and providing tailored support, you can empower them to overcome academic obstacles and achieve their goals, no matter how uncertain the times may be.

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